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Levying Special Assessments to Fund Public Infrastructure

November 26, 2014

As I detailed in a previous post, among the funding options available to local units for capital projects are special assessments. Special assessments are charges levied on a subset of real properties located within a county or municipality to fund … Read more

Expending Funds After the End of the Fiscal Year

October 2, 2014

It is May 2015 and several of Procrastination Village’s staff members are frantically ordering supplies and equipment to spend down remaining budget appropriations by the end of the 2014-15 fiscal year. As of May 1, the parks and recreation department … Read more

Expanded Solid Waste Fee Authority for Counties? Probably Not

September 8, 2014

The General Assembly expanded the categories of allowable expenditures for a county’s solid waste fee proceeds in the 2014 technical corrections act, S.L. 2014-115 (HB 1133). Specifically, section 60 added a new provision to G.S. 153A-292 (section b1) that states … Read more

Coates’ Canons Turns 5

August 9, 2014

Coates’ Canons celebrated its five year anniversary this week! During the past five years, School of Government faculty members have authored over 680 posts, which have been viewed well over 1,000,000 times. We continually strive to improve the blog and … Read more

Do Local Governments have Federal Constitutional Rights?

July 11, 2014

The United States Constitution includes many provisions that protect persons and entities from government action. For example, the Due Process Clause (Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments) safeguards against arbitrary denial of life, liberty, or property by the government. The Equal Protection … Read more

Interim Budget

June 27, 2014

Each North Carolina local government and public authority (local unit) must adopt an annual balanced budget ordinance. G.S. 159-8. The Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act, G.S. Ch. 159, Art. 3 (LGBFCA), provides a basic framework for the preparation and … Read more

Disbursing Public Funds

May 23, 2014

G.S. 159-28 is often referred to as the “preaudit statute,” but it actually prescribes two distinct legal processes—the preaudit process and the disbursement process. The statute envisions that most local government expenditures will be subject to both processes. As discussed … Read more

Preauditing Employee Salaries and Wages

March 21, 2014

Having turned the corner on the Great Recession, the Town of FingersCrossing recently hired a few new employees. The finance office begins to process the first payroll since the new employees began working for the town. It is also the … Read more