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Published: 01/03/13

Last Revised: 1651104000


The county zoning inspector received a call from a citizen complaining about a large accumulation of junk in a neighbor’s back yard.  The caller said there are several old refrigerators, some discarded furniture, and “a whole bunch of other junk” scattered about the yard.  The caller said she had politely asked her neighbor to clean the mess up as it was becoming a safety hazard as well as an eyesore, but had been rebuffed in terms she could not repeat over the phone.  The inspector told her the county did indeed have a nuisance lot ordinance and it sounded like this might well be a violation, so he would investigate and let her know what he found.

As a first step in the investigation, the inspector looked up the property information for the site of the alleged violation to verify the property ownership.  At this point he discovered that although the property is located a mile and a half outside the city, it is in the city’s extraterritorial planning jurisdiction.  He knew the city handled all complaints about zoning violations in this area, but what about this situation?  Should he refer the complaint about the nuisance lot to the city or is this the county’s responsibility?

Municipal Extraterritorial Jurisdiction

North Carolina cities have since 1959 had the authority to apply their land development regulations to a perimeter area around the city.  This area is the municipal extraterritorial planning jurisdiction, commonly referred to as the city “ETJ.”  Many North Carolina cities have exercised this authority to apply city planning and development regulations to these perimeter areas.  In a SOG survey of N.C. cities completed in 2005, 62% of responding cities had adopted extraterritorial planning jurisdiction (including 85% of the cities with populations over 10,000). This had increased to 65% of cities in a 2012 SOG survey.

Jurisdiction for Development Regulations in the ETJ

G.S. 160D-201 provides the basic allocation of jurisdiction for development regulations between cities and counties. G.S. 160D-201(a) provides that cities have jurisdiction for all of Chapter 160D’s development regulations within the city limits and in the ETJ.  G.S. 160D-201(b)  provides that the county has jurisdiction for planning and development regulations in all parts of the county that are outside of city jurisdiction — the area outside of city corporate limits and ETJ.  

G.S. 160D-202(b) provides that a city is not allowed to apply a development regulation in the ETJ that it is not also applying within the city.  If a city has zoning and subdivision regulations, G.S. 160D-201(c) requires that those must be applied to the ETJ as well. A county can elect to apply zoning and subdivision to all or only part of its potential jurisdictions

Cities are not required to apply all city development regulations that apply in the city to the ETJ.  A city can elect to apply development regulations other than zoning and subdivision regulation, such as a housing code or building code enforcement, only within its corporate limits and not within the ETJ. If a city does not apply all of its development regulations in the ETJ, G.S. 160D-201(c) allows a county to apply the particular type of regulation not being applied by the city. So, for example, if the city has an ETJ and a city housing code, but the city elects to apply the housing code only within its corporate limits, the county has the option of applying the county housing code within the ETJ. This county option did not exist prior to the adoption of Chapter 160D.

The county may apply county development regulations within a city or within an ETJ only if requested to do so by the city council and only if the county board of commissioners agree to do so.  G.S. 160D-202(f).  The request and acceptance of the request must be made by formal resolutions adopted by the governing boards. There is no comparable authority for the city and county to mutually agree to apply city regulations to portions of the county outside of the city boundary and outside of an established ETJ area.

One additional wrinkle is provided by G.S. 160D-203. If an individual parcel of land is split between city and county jurisdiction, the two units of government may elect to assign jurisdiction for development regulations for all of the parcel to either the city or the county. Such an agreement can only be made with the consent of the landowner.

Scope of Development Regulations Affected by the ETJ

G.S. 160D-201 provides that cities are authorized to apply “all of the powers granted by this Chapter” within the ETJ.  The “Chapter” this authorization refers to is Chapter 160D of the General Statutes.  So what powers does this Chapter cover?

For the most part, all of the standard development regulations a city can adopt are authorized by Chapter 160D.  This includes zoning and subdivision regulation, building code enforcement, historic districts, and minimum housing codes.  In addition, authority for planning, open space acquisition, and various community development programs also can be applied by cities in the ETJ.  The table below lists the specific planning and development regulation authorities included in Chapter 160D, and thus available for city use in the ETJ.

 Powers Allocated to Cities in the ETJ


Historic districts and landmarks
Development agreements
Construction of wireless telecommunication facilities
Building code enforcement
Minimum housing codes
Erosion and sedimentation control
Floodway regulation
Mountain ridge protection
Regulation of forestry activities
Stormwater control ordinances (and nonregulatory aspects of stormwater management systems)

Planning, Grants, and Development Programs

Acquisition of open space
Community appearance commissions
Community development grants and programs
Acquisition and disposition of property for redevelopment
Urban Development Action Grants and urban homesteading programs
Downtown development projects
Financing renewable energy and energy efficiency programs


The same list of authorized development regulations applies to counties.    

One other statutory provision can come into play in extraordinary circumstances.  In addition to these provisions on application of development regulations in an established ETJ, there is a statutory provision dating back to 1917 that authorizes cities to abate public health and safety nuisances that are within one mile of a city.  G.S. 160A-193.  This would involve the city filing a nuisance abatement suit, however, rather than extending municipal jurisdiction for a municipal general police power ordinance on overgrown or nuisance lots.

Ordinances That Remain a County Responsibility in the ETJ

Counties may apply a county ordinance that is not a development regulation listed above to any part of the county that is not within city limits.  G.S. 153A-122.  Unlike development regulations, these county ordinances can be applied in the municipal extraterritorial area.

These regulations are often referred to as “general police power” ordinances.  They are authorized by Article 6 of Chapter 153A of the General Statutes.  Within this Article there is both a general authorization of ordinances and a number of specific types of ordinances that are explicitly set forth.  The general authorization is G.S. 153A-121, which allows counties to adopt regulations to protect the “health, safety, or welfare of its citizens and the peace and dignity of the county” and to prevent nuisances.  Article 6 also includes authorization for a variety of specific ordinances.  These include regulations on abandoned and junk cars, public health nuisances, flea markets, places of amusement, outdoor advertising, solar collectors, and cisterns.  Also authorized are regulations dealing with explosives, dangerous animals, disposal of trash, garbage and solid wastes, and parking areas.  All of these county general police power regulations may be applied by the county within a municipal ETJ.

Cities have comparable authority for general police power regulations set out in Article 8 of Chapter 160A of the General Statutes.  However, unlike development regulations, city police power regulations can only be applied within the city limits and not within an ETJ area.  The only exceptions to this limit is that these city ordinances can be applied on city-owned property outside the city (G.S. 160A-176) and ordinances regulating swimming, surfing, littering, and personal watercraft operation can be applied by some cities to waterways in their ETJ (G.S. 160A-176.1, -176.2).

In sum, municipalities have jurisdiction for development regulations both within the city limits and within an established municipal ETJ.  But the city does not have authority to apply its general police power regulations within an ETJ.  The county retains authority for general police power regulations within all unincorporated areas, including ETJ areas, as well as having authority to apply county development regulations to unincorporated areas of the county that are outside of both city limits and established ETJ areas. The table below summarizes this allocation of responsibility.


Type of Regulation

Inside city limits

City ETJ

Unincorporated areas of the county

Development Regulations




General Police Power Regulations





Ordinances with Dual Sources of Authority

For most types of ordinances, there is a single source of authority and the rules above govern where city and county ordinances apply.  Some ordinances, however, can be adopted either as a general police power ordinance or incorporated within a development regulation, such as a zoning regulation or a unified development ordinance.  A typical example is a sign regulation, which in some jurisdictions is a separate general police power ordinance while in other jurisdictions it is part of a zoning ordinance.  

Our courts have held that where there are two sources of authority for an ordinance, a city or county may freely elect which to use.  Summey Outdoor Advertising, Inc. v. County of Henderson, 96 N.C. App. 533, 386 S.E.2d 439 (1989), review denied, 326 N.C. 486, 392 S.E.2d 101 (1990).  The source of authority chosen dictates whether the ordinance is applicable in an ETJ.  If it is adopted as part of zoning, the development regulation rules apply, but if it is adopted as a general police power ordinance, those rules apply.  There is one cautionary note, however.  If the type of regulation clearly falls into the development regulation category, those rules will be applied even if the jurisdiction attempts to adopt the regulation as a general police power ordinance.  Sandy Mush Properties, Inc. v. Rutherford County, 164 N.C. App. 162, 595 S.E.2d 233 (2004).  The rationale is that if the statutes set specific procedural requirements (such as notice and hearing requirements) for a particular type of regulation, those procedures are mandatory and cannot be avoided by labeling the ordinance a “general police power” ordinance rather than a “development regulation.”  That rationale carries over to the statutory allocation of geographic jurisdiction for the respective types of ordinances. Also, G.S. 160D-101(a) provides that the general provisions of Chapter 160D apply to any local ordinance hte substantially affects land use and development. 

A further complicating factor is that there are also city and county ordinances authorized by statutory provisions that are not within either Chapters 160A, 153A, or 160D.  Examples include stormwater regulations (G.S. 143-214.7(c)), floodplain regulations (G.S. 143-215.54), mountain ridge protection regulations (G.S. 113A-208), and sedimentation and erosion control ordinances (G.S. 113A-60).  Most of these separate authorizations do not specify whether cities or counties have jurisdiction for their application within an ETJ.  However, most of these authorizations are cross-referenced in Chapter 160D.  So a city has authority to impose stormwater, floodplain, mountain ridge protection, and sedimentation erosion control ordinances in an established ETJ.  

Issues with dual authority ordinances arise most frequently in the counties that do not have countywide zoning.  Where countywide zoning is in place, both the city and county regulations are usually incorporated into a zoning regulation and the allocation of jurisdiction within the ETJ is clear.  Many of the counties without county wide zoning, however, have adopted general police power ordinances on a variety of topics that are typically incorporated into zoning or unified development ordinances.  Examples include regulations on telecommunication towers, high impact industries, wind and solar energy facilities, adult businesses, manufactured home parks, and signs.  In these instances, city zoning still applies in the ETJ, but so does the county general police power regulation.  In these circumstances, there may be overlapping city and county regulation of the same topic with ETJ areas.


In conclusion, the critical inquiry in determining whether a city or county ordinance is applicable in an ETJ is to discern the source of authority for the ordinance. If it is authorized and adopted as a development regulation, the city has jurisdiction.  If it is authorized and adopted as a general police power ordinance, the county has jurisdiction.  In our instance, the alleged violation would be covered by a nuisance lot ordinance, which is a general police power regulation.  So in this instance the county ordinance is applicable within the city ETJ and the county inspector should proceed with his investigation.


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